PARA PAR@`ÿÿÿÿÿÿâTEXT`ÔWard, Nancy 1738?Ð1822 Native American leader Born about 1738, probably at Chota, a Cherokee village on the Little Tennessee River in what is now Monroe County, Tennessee, NanyeÕhi was the daughter of a Cherokee mother of the Wolf clan and a Delaware father. In 1775 she distinguished herself at a battle between Cherokee and Creek bands at Taliwa (near present-day Canton, Georgia) by taking her fatally wounded husbandÕs place in battle. She was thereafter known as ÒAgi-ga-u-e,Ó or ÒBeloved Woman,Ó a title that carried with it leadership of the womanÕs council of clan representatives and membership on the tribal council of chiefs. Her second husband was Bryant (or Brian) Ward, a white trader. Although he left the Cherokee Nation in the late 1750s and later married a white woman in South Carolina, Nancy Ward (her anglicized name) retained a strong friendship for whites. She is credited with having secretly warned John Sevier and the Watauga Association of settlers of an impending attack by Cherokees in July 1776, and she subsequently used her prerogative as Beloved Woman to save a white woman captive from being burned at the stake. In return, her village of Chota was spared destruction by frontier militia that swept through Cherokee territory in October. She again gave warning of a Cherokee uprising in 1780 and attempted to prevent retaliation by militia forces. She made a notable plea for Indian-white friendship at the negotiation of the Treaty of Hopewell in 1785. She was a strong voice within the tribe for the adoption of farming and dairying and herself became the first Cherokee cattle-owner. Late in life she urged the tribe to stand against the rising pressure by white settlers to sell their remaining lands, but with little success. The sale of tribal lands north of the Hiwassee River in 1819 obliged her to move. She opened an inn on the Ocoee River in southeastern Tennessee (near present-day Benton) and died there in 1822. Over ensuing years and decades, Nancy Ward, known sometimes as the ÒPocahontas of the West,Ó was the subject of numerous tales and legends in her native region, and they were given national currency by various writers, including Theodore Roosevelt in his Winning of the West, 1905. þstyl` !5ª 5ª5ª/!Iw 5ªx!IG 5ªH!Iþ!IÞ!I¹!IÌ!Ilink`HYPRþ